Terakreditasi A LAM-PTKes
Terakreditasi A LAM-PTKes
Terakreditasi A LAM-PTKes
Welcome to the website of Pediatric Health Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University
The existence of a website is fundamental thing in the digital era. The website for the Udayana Univerity’s Faculty of Medicine, Pediatric Health Specialist Study Program provides various information related to the Pediatric Health Specialist Study Program which is expected to be useful for many parties. We hope that visitors will be able to know more about the program and the environment of the Pediatric Health Specialist Study Program through this website.
Hopefully Pediatric Health Specialist Study Program of Udayana University’s Faculty of Medicine will always be able to make achievements both at the national and international levels. Let's join the Udayana University’s Faculty of Medicine, Pediatric Health Specialist Study Program in providing the best service in the field of child health.
Gusti Ayu Putu Nilawati
Kumpulan berita terkini PPDS IKA FK UNUD Denpasar